HK Inter-School Nature Challenge
A competition among schools to find wildlife in and around their campus
After the success of Hong Kong CNC we thought: 4th place is nice but what it would take to win? Of course, student power!
With funding from AFCD's Subvention for Biodiversity Education we designed Hong Kong Inter School CNC, to be held over 4 days in November 2018. Hong Kong is 70 percent green space, 40 percent protected country park, so wildlife shouldn't ever be far away so we hoped.
Some 2,000 students participated from 30 schools who logged a crazy 40,000 observations of HK wildlife in and around their schools. This beat CNC 2018's winner, San Francisco for number of observations, and almost doubled HK's count!
We are super excited that WWF-HK have taken on HKISCNC and continue to evolve it so that more schools can discover nature on their doorstep. Head on over there to join the next one!